I am moments away from twenty(20)… Do you know what that means? I have five(5) years more to spend as an exuberant youth. I took my time to ponder on the questions I have been long avoiding; “Did I spend my last 5 years well or were they wasted? Financially, have I grown? Did I plan well for my future or I floated through life?”
I took a notepad and calculated the amount of money I might have spent over the past few years, especially from the pocket money my parents had so graciously offered me. Oh My Gosh! I should have possibly been a millionaire.😥😥 Guess what? I couldn’t account for how I had spent any of it (the millions).
I know so many people have been in my shoes. Why were we blinded for this long? I believe the sad truth is that most of us were, and some are still ignorant. We were too comfortable depending on parents and guardians, we didn’t realize that the time was coming for us to take up responsibility ourselves.
I began to carry out researches, reading books on financial growth. Name it, I have read it… Richest Man in Babylon, the Four Laws of Financial Prosperity… but I was scared to take up responsibility.
Someone say, “Responsibility!”
Dear readers, it’s not enough to know it. The turning point is to do it. The laws of success are timeless. It is super easy for a lot of youths to copy what they see on the internet.
You love that outfit that you saw on pinterest, next minute, you’ve gone shopping for the exact same fit. Haba!
Why then is it difficult to copy the lifestyle of those that have been successful before you? Can someone explain it to me please, what is the difference?🤔
I spent time wondering… How do I help these individuals? I have found what works. I need to share this knowledge with those that are truly interested. I want to see youths grow. I want to see more financial literate individuals.
Knowledge without action is useless — SHESPEAKERHERMIND247
Are you hungry for this knowledge or do you want to spend another year wallowing in the sad reality of being broke; No assets attached to your name?
Get your popcorns ready and stay tuned for the next episode of:
Let me know in the comments if you’re ready to go on this journey with me. I am super excited!!!!💃
YOUTHFUL EXUBERANCE: manifests between 15 and 25, when teenage boys or girls show signs of livelihood, enthusiasm, vigour, energy and possible rebellion. — BRITANNICA
WOKE: aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues — MERRIAM WEBSTER