What is the matter with me??

3 min readNov 8, 2022


image by Pedro Figueras from pexels.com

I feel like I like stress. My brain doesn’t comprehend the red lights!! The blinding danger signs.

Nobody sent me o! I just decided that you know what, “baby girl, whenever you see something stressful, it automatically equates to being the best option for you to pick”.

First off, as a student… My mates were choosing courses that they felt they enjoyed and would allow them to have a good night’s rest but nooo, I decided that I was going to choose the most stressful course (In my opinion), garnished with the shortage of sleep, accessorized with the reduction in personal time. I am a genius, aren’t I? 🤭😭

Four years in… I love the course, don’t get me wrong but this baby girl is tired of STRESS! What was my remedy? Continue reading to find out…

Nothing! I am coming straight out. I would be as frank as possible. If you are in my situation and don’t study, my dear, failure can happen. It’s all about conditioning your mind. Tell yourself, “I can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens me.” 😎Ask God for strength and STUDY!! Because ha!!! If you think, you can just relax and voila, a hot steaming plate of good grades would be served to you, better scrap that mentality, or else, a hot breakfast of failure might be served instead.😫😫
I love my readers, and that is why I don’t know how to sugar-coat some pressing issues.

Sometimes we need to realize that whatever situation we find ourselves in, let’s try to make the best of it. I try to condition my mind to make the best of each moment of my life. I’m currently studying a course I might not end up practising but, (emphasis on the BUT) that doesn’t mean I should fail in that aspect.

You see those people that seem to have their entire lives planned out and are super confident in their career path, I envy y’all. I want to be like you when I grow up. 😩😩

I might not be there yet but I have a few tips that have helped me so far:

  • Daily affirmations: Speak into your day…I always have a mirror because sometimes speaking to myself in the mirror is therapeutic… I say to myself, “today is going to be a great day” … “fine babes don’t have bad days.” (This might not be entirely true but “mind-conditioning!!”)
  • To-do lists: Get a cute notepad, open your Pinterest (if you don’t have an account, it’s totally free. My dear, sign up. 😙) and look for aesthetically pleasing backgrounds you can print or draw in order to design/ customize the book. Trust me, I despise boring or ugly looking books… So try to add some spice if I want to be interested in the book.

I won’t disclose all my secrets, well not yet. Just always try to make the best of every situation you find yourself in. It’s your life, and you only live once.🥱

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Written by Rialena_tm

Get your cupcakes and notepads out. Read, laugh, learn and live!...supposed to be anonymous, but things changed...

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