The Social Media Manager

2 min readNov 10, 2023


Imagine having the best social media manager in the world. Yet, you believe that you know how best to do his/her job.

Imagine that the different aspects of your life: Spirituality, finance, relationships, personal growth, are different social media platforms that need efficient management. Now imagine that God Almighty is your social media manager.

That’s a lot of IMAGINING right? 😂

This is how I choose to relate with him. The best social media manager who plans your social calendar and content. He knows how best to communicate your personality to the world because he plans!

But sometimes we could get extremely stubborn thinking we are omniscient and know what’s best for us. We argue that what we have in mind is the best option there could ever be. Unknown to us, this social media manager has been in the game, long before we were born.

That’s what many of us fail to realize. Today is probably the day to let your social media manager do His work. Fun Fact! He doesn’t ask for payment, just respect and honour. Let Him do his work. Surrender all to Him and watch Him do wonders in your life.

I remain, Opara Benita-Maria Kelechi aka (SHESPEAKSHERMIND247)

It’s all about growth from me to you. 🥰




Written by Rialena_tm

Get your cupcakes and notepads out. Read, laugh, learn and live!...supposed to be anonymous, but things changed...

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