4 min readOct 13, 2023


About that night

Life isn’t always about roses

P. S: I have no rights to this picture

Aunty Folasade always visited the family house every Christmas season. Amy would get so excited because she, Aunty Fola, never came empty handed. Well, she didn’t come empty handed when she brought Jack along — her male-maid. Amy didn’t really think much of him at the time. He was definitely cute but Amy was far from thinking about any romantic thoughts for the next 5–10 years. Little Amy was 9 years old at the time.


At the end of the Christmas season, Aunty Fola said her good byes and took her belongings with her. I believe she may have forgotten one and that one she forgot, was about to change my life forever.

Jack, I called him Brother Jack at the time, stayed back after aunty Fola had left. I had no issues with it. I’ve been the only child at home for the longest of time and I was excited to finally have a play mate
 or so I thought. Brother Jack was about 10 years older than me. I had so much respect for him as mama has trained me to. Mum was hardly ever around these days. Her medical job took up most of her time and she always came home exhausted. Dad
 I don’t want to talk about him. It’s painful but let’s leave it as it is.

Brother Jack had a room downstairs just across the Dining room. He would always spend most of his time there. He was either whistling a new tune or playing the piano that mum had tried to no avail, to teach me. He hardly spoke to me, he would rather stay alone. This made me feel bad. Another hope of a playmate in the mud.

One fateful day, I came home from school crying. I had forgotten to complete the homework I had been given the previous day from school. Mrs Felicity, my class teacher, took on the liberty of flogging the daylight out of me based on my ‘irresponsibility’, as she called it. I couldn’t tell anyone, as my mum wasn’t home and brother Jack as usual, was in his room.

I went upstairs to my room and cried myself to sleep. About 9:45pm, I heard my door creak. The moonlight streaks from the window lit part of my room, but not the door so I couldn’t make out who had come in. Hello? Mum, is that you? No, it’s me, came brother Jack’s baritone voice. What was he doing here? I thought. That’s when he touched me.

Amy, dide( stand up) !

Ahn! Ahn! Ki lo de(what is it)?I mumbled. Why is he waking me up by this time?

Brother Jack kept tapping me. Wake up! I shrugged. The next thing he did baffled me. I have never experienced something like that before. Why was he doing this?

He pulled away my duvet, dumped my school bag on my bed, and turned on my bedside lamp. Then he turned to me and said, “you think you can sleep peacefully when you haven’t finished your homework ba?”

Seriously? Argh! Brother Jack, mo n bọ ( I am coming), I mumbled.


This girl isn’t even serious. To think that she has the opportunity to attend a good school, sponsored by her parents, yet she’s being nonchalant about her homework.

Amy wake up joor! You think you can sleep peacefully when you haven’t finished your homework ba?

I tugged her duvet away from her and pulled open her books. I knew this would be my only way of making sure she doesn’t end up like those Allen Avenue NFAs( No Future Ambition). My goal was certain!

I had not been so fortunate in the academia. I had to drop out of school when I became orphaned. Aunty Fola had taken me into her care then, but she wasn’t really an education enthusiast as I had hoped. She fed me though, that could do. However, I couldn’t let Amy ruin her own life by not taking her education seriously. I resolved to be her personal tutor to the best of my knowledge.

This was going to be day one of our tutoring.

Typical Amy in Class Before Brother Jack

(P.S: I hold no rights to the picture used here)


No one has ever cared to check my school work or even asked me how classes were. So it felt strange that brother Jack had decided to do so. I wasn’t used to it but I was happy. At least someone cared about me to an extent.

I got to school the next day, excited. Soon enough, I began taking my classes seriously and in no time, I was already part of the top 10 in my class.

Dear reader, I have to run off now because it’s time for my tutorial lessons with brother Jack. I’m progressing, surely but on some days it gets tiring. Anyways, I am happy that brother Jack visited my room that night. Don’t worry, I’d let you know how the tutorial goes. 😌 Till then, toodles!

If you expected a different ending to this story, don’t be shy to leave a comment.😂

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Written by Rialena_tm

Get your cupcakes and notepads out. Read, laugh, learn and live!...supposed to be anonymous, but things changed...

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