4 min readOct 10, 2023


Are you addicted to poverty?! my mum yelled. I checked my watch again, 7:45am. I would surely miss my free ride. Not today satan, not today, I thought. I dashed out the door, just to end up walking all the way.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my mum, but she doesn’t seem to understand me. I just graduated. I need a break please. I need clarity on what exactly Abba has in store for me. I can’t do that when my mum is always rambling about how I would end up poor if I don’t find a good-paying job. My youth pastor listened, while peering at me through his thick-lensed glasses. I felt like he was accessing me.

After a long pause, Pastor Kayode said, can you please quote Revelations 1 verse 6? Is this a joke, I thought. I basically know the Bible like I know my name. Well, Revelation 1 vs 6 states, “And he hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” Exactly! He has called me to be a priest. That’s what I have been trying to let my mum understand. I don’t know why — What about the “King” aspect Lucy? Pastor Kayode interjected. What exactly was he driving at? I thought to myself.

You see, many of you make this same mistake overtime. You have a responsibility to not only be priests but kings as well. There are seven mountains of influence, did you know that? He asked me. Not exactly sir, I remember a Sunday sermon concerning the topic but I can’t recall clearly. That’s fine. I would give you a hundred and sixty-two(162) pages book, “The Seven Mountain Mantle: Receiving the Joseph Anointing to Reform Nations” by Johnny Enlow. Study it and summarize it. I’d ask you about it next month.

I left his office that day devastated because I didn’t enjoy reading books. Guess what? A month later, Pastor Kayode didn’t call me for another appointment. Two months passed, three months, four months, still no word from him. After the fifth month, I decided forgo protocol and pay another visit to his office. By then, I had surprisingly studied this book five times over.

When I walked into his office, with the book in hand, he looked up and smiled at me. Finally, I have been expecting you. What took you so long? Did you enjoy the book? Yes sir, I said excitedly as I began my summary of the book.

I looked up at my audience of ‘soon-to-be graduates’. Interesting story right? But I don’t want you to miss out on the main lesson. That’s why I’m here, to share the story of my past and how I got passed that mindset. Every single one of us believers, is called to be a king and priest in different spheres of life. You have to develop and grow into a fusion of the two qualities. Pastor Kayode, God bless him; was the signage to my turning point.

I want to implore every person in this hall today, to make that decision not only to be priests, by preaching the Word of God or by sharing the love of God through your lifestyle. I want you to understand that there is more. Do not make the same mistake I made ten years back. Separating your kingship from your priesthood is walking in error.

According to the book, there are seven mountains of influence:
The Media, Government, Education, Economy, Religion, Celebration, and Family. I figured out later that I had been called to the media. I still preach the gospel and spread the love of God, as a priest but I am also an influence in the media industry. I am a writer, a speaker, I own a renowned podcast and yes of course, I am a mother of two, married to a loving husband.

Ask yourself this question, “what mountain of influence have I been called to?” Write it down in your journals, pray about it, study to achieve it and run with that vision. Remind yourself that everyday presents an opportunity to develop to fit into the mould that the creator had destined for you in Jeremiah 1 verse 5. Dear ‘soon-to-be graduates’, run with this vision in mind. In no time, nations will come to your light and kings, to the brightness of your dawn.




Written by Rialena_tm

Get your cupcakes and notepads out. Read, laugh, learn and live!...supposed to be anonymous, but things changed...

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