I had a serious argument with a friend concerning two brands, Yale and Oxford and it seemed like we just couldn’t pick which was better. I tried to view from his perspective, no avail. Yale and Oxford are two prominent brands I have known since I was a child and I had my preference but Jimmy wasn’t buying my idea and guess what, we had to argue.🥱😁
Jimmy is a graduate of the prestigious Yale university and I am really proud of him on that note but boy! Oh boy! We argue a whole lot. It sometimes puts a strain on our friendship but we have always found a way to reconcile each time. This time, the reconciliation took longer than I expected.
I wanted to know why He felt Yale was better. *whispers*😃 I love trying to understand people’s thought processes deeply but this study wasn’t turning out as planned. Sadly, we finally left each other’s messages on read.😪

About 6pm the next day, I was scrolling through Instagram and I saw a post on the same argument, ‘Yale or Oxford, which is better?’ I checked the comments section to take a survey of the responses. A lot of people were indifferent about the brands, while some picked a side.
At this point, I decided that it was high time I made up with Jimmy. I sent him the Instagram post and guess what his response was; “Was this what you were referring to? I thought you were comparing the two Universities, Oxford and Yale.”

Dear readers, most times, miscommunication based on assumptions, is a deterrent in any peaceful relationship. Jimmy was referring to two universities but I other the other hand, SHESPEAKSHERMIND was referring to the two Cabin biscuit brands I enjoyed as a child.😭🤦♂️
Then it occurred to me that many relationships and friendships have strains due to miscommunication which in turn, cause misunderstandings.
Life really isn’t difficult, human beings are just a bit complicated.

Here are some tips to help you become better in communication:
- Avoid speculations: A handful of us believe we have mind-reading abilities.🌚 Darling, just ask the other party, don’t assume you understand what they mean.
- Don’t be rude: I believe you’re better off mute than being rude. It complicates the whole situation. Ask calmly and politely, to avoid black and blue eyes.
- Lastly, if you have ever had an argument with a friend due to misunderstanding, it is probably based on one or two unsaid words. Try to reconcile with that friend today.🥰 He/she is waiting.
Comment “I had no idea” if you had no clue that I was referring to biscuits initially.😂 don’t be shy to share this post with a friend you’ve had an argument with based on assumptions.💡💖
Thank you to the 4x scores of readers that have subscribed to SHESPEAKSHERMIND247. I am really grateful.😁

From SHESPEAKSHERMIND247 to you.🥰🥰😁