It’s really dark outside and the events of the day feel fresh in my mind. I have never been more embarrassed. Was it the fact that I chose to attend the program or the fact that the game we played just proved to me that the books don’t lie? Don’t we all breathe the same air? Why then do I feel substandard?
At this point dear reader, your mind has probably begun to formulate thoughts.
What is she driving at? Where does this story end?
That is the beauty of the brain… Thoughts.
Thinking is a science. The brain receives electrical impulses through the nervous system and begins to function at an amazing speed. It is also an art. The brain beautifully organises ideas that turn into innovations, businesses, concepts, and so much more.
As I think deeper, I tap into my creative mind that I have been so blessed with by my creator. I tell stories that inspire, stories that teach, stories that leave an imprint in my reader’s mind; I SPEAKMYMIND247 😎.
See what I did there?😉
The stories may not be perfect but they have a sense of depth.
Sadly, there has been a shift in the traditional ways of telling stories. At the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), so many people have begun to tell stories without introspection. The innovation of AI in itself is a blessing but the genuineness of a true writer will remain unmatched.
INTROSPECTION (Cambridge Dictionary): examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings
Dear reader, if you also write, please for the sake of generations to come, try not to lose your style of writing. Your thoughts are yours and they are deeper than you can imagine.
- Please don’t lose the art of thinking
- Remember that sometimes, quality over quantity is essential. Write from the depth you’ve been blessed with.
- Pay attention to those ideas flowing through you.
- It is with great pleasure that I would like to inform you that no artificial intelligent software has the ability to think like you do. You are uniquely blessed. Tap into that potential.
Are you ready to think?!💃🧠
- Take a deep breath… hmmnn… there you go.
Now think;
- What events or issues happened over the week that you believe your writing can help solve?
- Exactly dear, get a pen and notepad.
- You can play a calming instrumental to set the mood, now write.
- Let your creative juices flow. You have something special embedded inside of you. Let it flow. Think!
Please let me know what you think of the story I began at the introductory paragraph. Do you want to know what comes after?🌚
#create #think #innovate