Karolina Grabowska from pexels.com
Resuming work for the first time at this certain firm, I made up my mind to work extremely hard and fast. Omo! It turned out that my colleagues felt I was doing too much.
Back at Covenant University, I know working hard attracts appraisals. Why then does it seem different in this working space? I submit tasks way ahead of time, expecting a handshake or a bottle of Apple-flavoured Fanta as a reward. Instead, I receive glares and faces with scrunched-up noses. Did I miss something?
Just the other day, brother “Ademonkey” was asking, “Why are you always doing too much?” and sister “Olugorilla” joined in saying “don’t mind her, best in working hard”, all the while jeering at me. Pele o(sorry o), Mr&Mrs. “I like to mind other people’s businesses”🙄. As I am the minister of enjoyment, I like rounding off duties before Friday nights so that my Saturdays are for Jaiye (enjoyment). If you don’t get it, forget about it.😂
There’s this meme that states, when you’ve made money, you’d realize that Saturdays are not merely for doing laundry. My proclivity for the weekend is to enjoy myself, exclusively.
I’m way too sexy to be stressed! I just want to relax and take care of myself… scrap that. My points majorly are:
1. Don’t let the opinions of others change who you’ve positively groomed yourself to be.
2. The weekends are for jaiye. Therefore, work hard while you can and don’t spend endless weekend nights trying to catch up on work.
3. My nicknames for anyone that likes to stick their noses into my business are:
· Male: Brother Ademonkey
· Female: Sister Olugorilla
4. Repeat after me: “I am way too sexy to be stressed💆♀️💆♂️”. That should be your watch phrase.
If reading this was very relatable, clap alot and share to your lot who would find it relatable as well or better still, buy me a bottle of “Apple-flavoured” fanta for $0.36 only.☺☺