I forgot to record
Y’all know when you have decided to go on a particular journey or try out something you’ve never done before? When it eventually turns out to be great, and you realize you hadn’t even taken notes of the steps you took or recorded the beautiful process you undertook to arrive at your destination, the frustration hits deeply. It feels like your heart was dropped in the middle of a quicksand. That’s how I felt the first time I tried cooking soup. I was left alone in mama’s kitchen.
All the ingredients were strewn all over the kitchen work top.
I felt betrayed by my sisters at that moment. At some point, I panicked when the soup wasn’t looking like the egusi soup I was supposed to prepare. I don’t even want to get started on how the fish mama had provided for the soup were practically drowning in the soup😫
Where did I go wrong? But do you know what? I persevered. My egusi soup didn’t turn out to look like overly soaked cereal 😎 but alas the heartbreak… I didn’t record a damn thing. I wanted to tell my cooking testimony with a VIDEO proof, y’know.
How would anyone believe me now?
Points to note:
• Always take note of whatever journey you want to embark on. If it turns out to be great, others can learn from it. And “doubting Thomases” can have proof because you RECORDED.
• I might not be the best cook there is, but no, my egusi soup doesn’t look like overly soaked cereal.
Have you ever invested so much time in achieving something but when it finally becomes great, you realized you hadn’t even taken note of the steps you took in achieving it? Comment below what it was. Arghh! It can be so annoying.