How to Overcome Creative Block
New wine in Old Wine skin?

I had a conversation with my brain, Sophia, last night. Despite my quest to end the conversation in peace, it ended up being an argument.😔
I told Sophia that I needed to create more engaging content for my audience but she decided to remain mute. For once, I felt out of control and lost.
Here is our conversation that led to an argument😥🫠
Sophia: Why do you always blame me whenever you don’t have creative content to write? I do not appreciate it. You need to retrace your steps and remember how you’ve overcome creative block in the past. Stop blaming me!
Shespeakshermind247: You are supposed to be my brain, you even decided that your name would be Sophia, claiming that you’re “wise” since Sophia means wisdom. How then, did you run out of content?
Sophia: That’s your foremost predicament. You never own up to your mistakes. I try to help you in the best way possible but over the past few months, my environment has become very cluttered and it’s overwhelming. I can’t even find breathing space to develop creative ideas. Guess what? It is your fault. You just take in so much information and junk. E choke!😫 Let the living breathe please.

Shespeakshermind247: what do you mean by that? Am I not free to feed my eyes on whatever information I like and choose?
Sophia: I never said you shouldn’t feed your eyes on whatever you want. I am only saying that you need to declutter. Take out time to meditate and declutter, remove garbage information and let me create innovative ones. That’s the best way to help our creative ministry.🥱 If you keep on introducing unnecessary data into my environment(pouring new wine into old wine skins), I may burst open someday, leading to the end of my creativity. Please clean up my environment!
Shespeakshermind247: Ha! Why are you shouting?😒 I’ve heard you.
Sophia(mutters under her breath): It’s the fact you even forgot to ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration.
Shespeakshermind247: What did you say?

Sophia( with a much louder tone): IT IS THE FACT YOU EVEN FORGOT TO ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR INSPIRATION! Don’t you know I’m working under authority? Whatever inspiration He gives me is what I share with you. However, you have to ask Him first.
Shespeakshermind247: Alright, I HAVE HEARD YOU! I would meditate, declutter and ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration for my next article. Whatever He tells you, pass on the information ASAP. I need to create more engaging content.😪
P.S: I hope you don’t think I’m crazy. I’m just poetic and I love writing metaphorically.😂

However, the argument turned out to be fruitful one. I took note of the steps to take whenever I’m experiencing creative block and I would like to share them with you:
- Take out a quiet time to meditate.
Meditation basically involves taking out time to go through your thoughts and actions. It involves taking in deep breaths, to relax the mind and to focus on a particular train of thought. It boosts creativity, as it enhances blood flow to the brain. It helps the mind and promotes health.
Pause for a minute and take in a deep breath. Do you notice how relaxed you feel afterwards?
As a Christian, I meditate while talking to God in prayer. Being in His presence keeps me calm and my creative juices flow at an amazing speed. 😁
2. Declutter your mind’s (Lady Sophia’s) environment by relieving yourself of unnecessary information. Let your brain breathe.
3. Ask the Holy Spirit for Inspiration.
4. Carry out research to enhance the inspired content.
This process has worked overtime and it is what I am currently using to write this storyline.😁
Dear creatives, kindly share other effective ways that you have used to overcome creative’s block. 👇👇Other writers here, may need it.
It’s all about growth from me to you!🥰🥰