2 min readJun 6, 2023


Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels:

Black truth

The bitterness and hurt that comes with deceit…
Amara, the flower you picked
wrinkled under your very touch
the touch that became a punch
at odd hours of the night
Her screams and yells
became like an empty barrel
making the loudest noise
bile rising to her gut
you really had no rights to
but you called yourself her lord
having groomed her young mind to always submit
your words belittled her self worth.

Amara, years in a no man’s land
she still remained.
she saw herself as weak, damaged, broken
she didn’t realise her underlying strength
wasn’t in your words or her thoughts
but in who she was
made in the image and likeness of God.

a beauty to behold
her scars held stories already told
with no words just sores
her story was more than a folklore
all her mind understood was to build a wall
to protect herself in the best way she knew

I met her at a conference
but now she is a reference
not the broken mind of the past
but a force who had gotten past
the forces that made her fall
now she stood tall.
She understood who she was
Imago Dei
and every storm she faced
she took as a test of faith.
It didn’t determine her fate
because who she is was innate
imprinted in her mind.

she now owned a foundation
for women
leading them to their author
helping them to stand strong.
I mean if the foundation be shaken
what can the righteous do?
fall? No! Not under Amara’s watch.
that was the vision
to see women rise to fruition
Now her scars tell stories
to ensure her pain doesn’t become another’s,
just memories.

My first ever poetic publication. I was basically thinking back on true life stories I have heard of women. “Amara” is basically a character I use to describe the stories of several women in one embodiment.

I hope this encourages any woman or man out there suffering from any form of abuse. Understanding who you are gives a certain sense of boldness to push past that dark past.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional psychologist, just speaking from interactions with persons who have gotten past dark moments, and how they were able to overcome.

It’s all about growth from SHESPEAKSHERMIND to you.




Written by Rialena_tm

Get your cupcakes and notepads out. Read, laugh, learn and live!...supposed to be anonymous, but things changed...

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